All results for Mary
Date Won Score Lost
23rd May 2016Bob3 : 0Mary
12th May 2016Bob3 : 1Mary
11th May 2016thats the way the ball bouncesMalarkey3 : 0Mary
27th Apr 2016Mary3 : 1Malarkey
25th Apr 2016Bob3 : 0Mary
20th Apr 2016sometimes youre the dog, sometimes youre the lamp postMalarkey3 : 1Mary
13th Apr 2016Mary3 : 1Malarkey
13th Apr 2016Bob3 : 1Mary
8th Apr 2016if you cant wait for success, go on without itMalarkey3 : 0Mary
4th Apr 2016Bob3 : 0Mary
3rd Mar 2016Andy3 : 2Mary
29th Feb 2016Bob3 : 0Mary
23rd Feb 2016Andy3 : 0Mary
19th Feb 2016Miles3 : 0Mary
15th Feb 2016Bob3 : 1Mary
12th Feb 2016if I can be of any help you are in worse trouble than I thoughtMalarkey3 : 1Mary
9th Feb 2016Andy3 : 0Mary
5th Feb 2016nobody remembers who finished secondMalarkey3 : 2Mary
2nd Feb 2016Mary3 : 2Andy
1st Feb 2016Bob3 : 1Mary 16-12-2024