All results for Jad
Date Won Score Lost
15th Jan 2018JAD3 : 0Bob
8th Jan 2018JAD3 : 0Bob
4th Jan 2018give up, give in or give it all you haveJAD3 : 0Malarkey
20th Dec 2017laugh at your problems, everyone else doesJAD3 : 0Malarkey
19th Dec 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
7th Nov 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
6th Nov 2017everything happens for a reasonJAD3 : 0Malarkey
30th Oct 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
16th Oct 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
9th Oct 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
3rd Oct 2017you win some, you lose moreJAD3 : 0Malarkey
27th Sep 2017no surrender, no retreatJAD3 : 0Malarkey
20th Sep 2017if things appear to be ok, you have overlooked somethingJAD3 : 0Malarkey
18th Sep 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
6th Sep 2017you learn more from failure than from successJAD3 : 0Malarkey
30th Aug 2017ninety percent of this game is half mentalJAD3 : 0Malarkey
28th Aug 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
23rd Aug 2017bad news travels fastJAD3 : 0Malarkey
22nd Aug 2017JAD3 : 0Bob
17th Aug 2017JAD3 : 0Bob 16-12-2024