All results for The Billster
Date Won Score Lost
25th Oct 2019Bob3 : 0The Billster
23rd Oct 2019The Billster3 : 0James
15th Oct 2019The Billster3 : 0Jester
11th Oct 2019Bob3 : 0The Billster
30th Sep 2019The Billster3 : 1Jester
16th Sep 2019PeteW3 : 1The Billster
23rd Aug 2019Robert3 : 1The Billster
21st Aug 2019Yes Mark, it was 3-1.The Billster3 : 1Malarkey
19th Aug 2019PeteW3 : 1The Billster
19th Aug 2019PeteW3 : 1The Billster
25th Jul 2019squash is 90% mental, the other half is physicalMalarkey3 : 1The Billster
17th Jul 2019One of the best games I’ve had in ages. And the first win in goodness knowJester3 : 2The Billster
1st Jul 2019The Billster3 : 1Jester
8th Nov 2018I just want revenge, is that so wrong?Malarkey3 : 0The Billster
7th Nov 2018The Billster3 : 0Banksy
30th Oct 2018Change of fortune for dogged BillsterThe Billster3 : 2Malarkey
25th Oct 2018left hand, right hand, it doesnt matter, Im amphibiousMalarkey3 : 2The Billster
16th Oct 2018Bob3 : 0The Billster
15th Oct 2018ninety percent of this game is half mentalMalarkey3 : 0The Billster
9th Oct 2018never believe anything until it has been officially deniedMalarkey3 : 2The Billster 15-12-2024